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Writer's pictureGeealogia

Present, In The Now. Nowhere Else.

Eternal and Multidimensional. Here and Now.

We live in precious times in history of humanity and not only. The fact that we, every single one of us, are right here right now, in this creation of time and space is of great importance and synchronization, the fine tuning of our lives and of the Universe itself.

Yet, we don’t recognize it, we don’t give the right value, covered by a veil of false necessities and being caught in this dream, the projection of our minds, we “think” this is that MATTERs, this is REALITY. I would like to remind here of Lion Lab’s weekly discussion

And we forgot the essential key to the movie we project: We are the creator of the movie, powerful, joyful exploring the New, expanding, aware and awake.

How can we wake up? Do all of us want to wake up? As a dance of fine tuning in the Universe, like the dance of butterflies in harmony to each other, we should embrace and respect everyone’s decision and state of dreaming or awake being, gentle, loving, caring, as a human collective in this co-creation.

Careful for details, little pieces on our game of life board, being flexible and going with the flow unfolding… we have to be aware, fully present and embodied. Stand the ground now matter what. Going with the flow joyous and full of trust. The True Self in You is fully present here and now, conscious of every event created, coming through in every cell of your body, fully embodied, then it can create awaken and aware the wonderful life we were meant to live.

And only being fully present and embodied here and now, we can than access our multidimensionality and tap into our great abilities and live to our fullest potential!

Have a peak to Lion Lab’s discussion about time travel too. Actually, all of them are a gem. An option would be to tap into our multidimensionality. But first fully mastering the life here and now, fully embracing our body, fully connecting with our body. Then we fully come to our potentiality of our Self, and of US: By connecting with our True Self, we connect with Gaia, Geea Goddess of Earth, and through her we connect genuinely with each other, no dreams of the mind interfering and no distortion of false reality and False Self created. Only then we are truly connected with each other and ready for long forgotten and yet new rediscovered abilities of a magical human collective!

At Coherence Education we are building together a community of wonderful students, learning with fun, connecting with each other, and making magical friendship. They learn to tap into their abilities close to our human potential of animal communication, lucid dreaming, learn to express and connect with their body through dance, going on a journey of unveiling mysteries of ancient civilizations and build the best relationship with one’s Self and others through magical teachings of Friend Magic course.

It is never too late to join our community, course replays are available for 12 months and the live classes are still going on through the Colourful Spring Month of May!

Also stay tuned for the next awe-inspiring courses starting this fall! It will lead us in our way of re-discovering our abilities and passions and to autorealization.

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  • Nah not really, (Excuses)

  • Maybe.. Another time, Maybe.

  • I'm not ready.

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