People don’t know why we dream, BUT THERE SURE ARE THEORIES! So I will be discussing the leading theories!
The first one says this: Dreams just make fake bad events, so that we are prepared if they happen.
The second one says: Your sub-conscious brain sorts stuff while you sleep and throws junk at your conscious side and it goes through the junk real quick. And the junk gets displayed in the form of a dream.
There is a third one, but I will talk about that later. For now I will talk about what I think of the first two theories.
The first one: I think it is true, but only around 20% of your dreams are like that.
The second one: It could have been a valid argument, but lucid dreaming clearly shows that that can’t be. And also that wouldn’t explain why our brain paralyses your body every night, so you don’t actually do a front flip in real life, even though that happened in your dream.
Onto The third one! Carl Jung was a Swiss dude, and he believed: ”dreams are driven by a natural tendency to bring resolution and closure to unfinished emotional and mental problems of the day”. Now, this is very probable! I think, we all have had dreams that represent unfixed emotion at least once. So, I agree with Carl Jung’s Beliefs, and I ask you today, right here, right now. What do you think? What’s your opinion? Dreaming is strange, and it may not make sense sometimes, but does it have to?
How timely to discuss about dreams! We finished this month the "Lucid Dreaming for Fun and Creativity!" course with Robert Waggoner and our partners at Coherence Education, which was WOW! For kids and parents always an A-Ha moment, hope to have a part two soon.
I also resonate with Carl Jung's theory and not only. I do believe that our dreams have sense, either dealing with unfixed emotion, strong feelings or memories and also a possible travel in the future with clairvoyance, a precognition in dreams. And Yes: Dreams are strange and so exciting!